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Kilmartin TE Hallux valgus and related problems of the forefoot.
CPD supplement. Podiatry Now2015. 18 (6): 1-11
Bristow I, Kilmartin T

A case of irritant contact dermatitis of the feet in a teenager.
Dermatological Nursing. 2015 14(4): 49-52

Kannegieter E, Kilmartin TE

Tibial sesamoid planing for plantar corns of the first MTP joint.
Podiatry Now 2016 19, (3): 13-17

Kilmartin TE

Leading members of the profession: Dr Tim Kilmartin.
Podiatry Now 2016 19 (4): 29-31

Kilmartin TE

Independent prescribing and the management of osteomyelitis.
CPD supplement. Podiatry Now. 2016 19 (5): 1-10

Kilmartin TE, O’Kane C

Correction of valgus second toe by closing wedge osteotomy of the proximal phalanx.
Foot & Ankle Int. 2007 28 (12) 1260-1264.

O’Kane C, Kilmartin TE.

Orthopaedic surgery and podiatric surgery: Will you get the same operation?
Podiatry Now 2007 10 (8) 24-26

Hewitt S, Kilmartin TE, O’Kane C A retrospective audit on the role of sonographical interpretation and locatisation of intermetatarsal neuroma in the surgical management of Morton’s neuroma.
Br. J. Podiatry 2007. 10: 99-104

O’Kane C, Kilmartin TE

Review of Amputation of the second toe in the presence of asymptomatic Hallux Valgus for the treatment of hammer or cross over second toes
Br. J. Podiatry 2006; 9: 120-123

O’Kane C, Kilmartin TE

A review of 100 2nd toe Proximal interphalangeal joint arthroplasties.
Foot Ankle Int.2005. 26 (4):320-325

O’Kane C, Kilmartin TE

The surgical management of central metatarsalgia.
Foot Ankle Int. 2002. 23:415-419

O’Kane C, Kilmartin T

The rotation scarf and Akin osteotomy for the correction of severe hallux valgus.
The Foot. 2002. 12:203-212

O’Kane C, Kilmartin TE.

The use of antimicrobials in podiatric practice
Br. J. Podiatry 2001; 4:8-14

1. Kilmartin TE. Bishop A Hallux abductus measurement. Repeatability trials of a clinical measuring instrument
The Chiropodist 1988; 43:185-187
2. Kilmartin TE
Medial genicular rotation: Aetiology and management
The Chiropodist 1988; 43:181-184
3. Kilmartin TE. Winstanley IRW
Orthotic answers
Today’s Runner 1989;October: 26-27
4. Kilmartin TE
A model for foot health screening.
Br. J. Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. 1990; 2:8-10
5. Kilmartin TE, Wallace WA
Predicting hallux abducto valgus
J.Am. Podiatric Medical Assoc. 1990;9:509-510
6. Kilmartin TE, Wallace WA
Meausurement of in-shoe orthotic effect on flat foot function
J.Bone Joint Surgery 1990;72B:946
7. Kilmartin TE, Wallace WA.
Podiatric screening for abnormailities predisposing to juvenile foot deformities. An inter –observer error trial of clinical diagnosis.
The Chiropodist 1990; 45:205-207
8. Kilmartin TE, Wallace WA, Hill TW
Measurement of functional orthotic effect on metatarsophalangeal joint extension
J.Am Podiatric Medical Assoc. 1991:81:414-417
9. Kilmartin TE
The flat foot child
J. British Podiatric Medicine 1991; 46:67-70
10. Kilmartin TE
The intoeing child
J.British Podiatric Medicine 1991: 46:229-232
11. Kilmartin TE.
Metatarsus Adductus
J. British Podiatric Medicine 1991; 46:229-232
12. Kilmartin TE.
‘But you haven’t proved that orthoses work’
Search News 1991;12:8-11
13. Kilmartin TE, Barrington RL, Wallace WA.
Metatarsus primus varus – A statistical study
J.Bone Joint Surgery 1991; 73B:937-940
14. Kilmartin TE, Wallace WA.
First metatarsal head shape in juvenile hallux abducto valgus.
J. Foot Surgery 1991;30:506-508
15. Kilmartin TE, Wallace WA, Hill TW.
First metatarsal position in juvenile hallux abducto valgus – a significant clinical measurement?
J. British Podiatric Medicine 1991;46:43-45
16. Kilmartin TE, Tollafield DR, JonesL.
Clinical clerking for Podiatrists
Br. J. Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 1991; 3:2-5
17. Kilmartin TE, Wallace WA.
The significance of pes planus in juvenile hallux valgus
Foot & Ankle 1992; 13:53-56
18. Kilmartin TE, Wallace WA.
Update on hallux valgus surgery. A review of results in the recent literature
The Foot 1992; 2:123-124
19. Kilmartin TE, Barrington RL, Wallace WA
The x-ray measurement of hallux valgus. An inter and intra-observer error study.
The Foot 1992; 2:7-11
20. Kilmartin TE, Wallace WA
The immediate corrective effect of orthoses on juvenile hallux valgus
Br. J. Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. 1992; 4:2-4
21. Kilmartin TE, Tollafield DR, Prior TD
Angioleiomyoma. A case report of a rare benign tumour of the foot.
Be. J. Podiatric Med. Surgery 1993; 6:27-29
22. Kilmartin TE, Wallace WA
The aetiology of hallux valgus – a critical review of the literature.
The Foot 1993; 3:156-162
23. Kilmartin TE, Wallace WA
The scientific basis for the use of functional foot orthoses in the treatment of lower limb sports injuries. A review of the literature.
Br. J. Sports Medicine 1994; 28:180-184
24. Kilmartin TE, Barrington RL, Wallace WA
A controlled prospective trial of a foot orthosis in the treatment of juvenile hallux valgus.
J.Bone Joint Surgery 1994: 76B:210-214
25. Hood IS, Kilmartin TE, Tollafield DR
The effect of Podiatric day case surgery on the need for NHS chiropody treatment.
The Foot 1994; 4:155-158
26. Kilmartin TE, Wallace WA
The effect of a pronation and supination orthosis on Morton’s neuroma and lower limb function.
Foot Ankle Int. 1994; 15:256-262
27. Spooner SK, Kilmartin TE, Merriman LM
The palpation technique for determination of metatarsal formula: a study of validity
The Foot 1994; 4:198-200
28. Spooner SK, Kilmartin TE, Merriman LM
The pathological anatomy of hallux valgus
Br. J. Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 1995; 7:35-40
29. Tollafield DR, Kilmartin TE, Holdcroft DJ
Measurement of ankle cuff discomfort in un-sedated patients undergoing day case foot surgery
Ambulatory Surgery 1995; 3:91-96
30. Kilmartin TE
Arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint.
Br. J. Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 1995: 7:54-55
31. Kilmartin TE
Distal lesser metatarsal osteotomies: a review of surgical techniques designed to avoid non-union and minimise transfer metatarsalgia.
The Foot 1998 8:186-192
32. Kilmartin TE
Tension night splints for the treatment of recalcitrant heel pain
Br. J. Podiatry 1999: 2:17-20
33. Kilmartin TE
Podiatric Surgery in a Community Trust. A review of activity, surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction over a 27 month period.
Podiatry Now. September 2000; 3:9 , 350-354
34. Wilkinson AN, Kilmartin TE
A review of minimal incision plantar fasciotomy in the treatment of heel pain
Br. J. Podiatry 2000: 3:76-80
35. Kilmartin TE
Metatarsal osteotomy for hallux rigidus. An outcome study of three different osteotomy techniques compared with Keller’s excisional arthroplasty.
Br. J. Podiatry 2000; 3:95-101
36. Kilmartin TE, McInnes B, Wilkinson DJ
Perioperative considerations for the podiatric patient with cardiovascular disease.
Br. J. Podiatry 2001; 4: 20-24
37. Kilmartin TE. O’Kane C
The use of antimicrobials in podiatric practice
Br. J. Podiatry 2001; 4:8-14
38. Kilmartin TE, Bewick P
An audit of Ibuprofen and codydramol in the control of post op pain following day case foot surgery.
Br. J. Podiatry 2001. 4:124-127
39. Kilmartin TE
Fusion of the metatarso-cuneiform joints in the treatment of mid-foot osteoarthrosis.
Br. J. Podiatry 2001. 4:144-149
40. O’Kane C, Kilmartin TE
The surgical management of central metatarsalgia.
Foot Ankle Int. 2002. 23:415-419
41. Kilmartin TE
Podiatric Surgery in a Community Trust. A review of activity, surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction over a 4 year period
The Foot. 2002. 11:218-227
42. Kilmartin TE
Revision of failed foot surgery
J. Foot Ankle Surgery 2002. 41:309-315
43. O’Kane C, Kilmartin TE
The rotation scarf and Akin osteotomy for the correction of severe hallux valgus.
The Foot. 2002. 12:203-212
44. Bewick P, Kilmartin TE
The fifth metatarsal rotational osteotomy for the correction of tailor’s bunion deformity
The Foot 13 2003. 190-195
45. Kilmartin TE, Flintham C
A new method for measuring the influence of metatarsus adductus in the treatment of hallux valgus.
J. Foot Ankle Surgery 2003. 42:165-166
46. O’Kane C, Kilmartin TE
A review of 100 2nd toe Proximal interphalangeal joint arthroplasties.
Foot Ankle Int.2005. 26 (4):320-325
47. Kilmartin TE
Phalangeal osteotomy versus first metatarsal osteotomy for the treatment of hallux rigidus.
J Foot Ankle Surgery .2005. 44(1):2-12
48. Gibbard K, Kilmartin TE.
Podiatric Surgery and the rheumatoid patient: Implications of drug therapy in the perioperative period.
Podiatry Now 2003. 6: 6-12
49. Gibbard KW, Kilmartin TE.
The Weil osteotomy for the treatment of painful plantar keratoses.
The Foot. 2003. 13:199-203
50. Finney SJ, Kilmartin TE. Flintham C.
The modified Schwartz procedure in the management of intractable plantar keratoses: a retrospective review.
The Foot 2003. 13:108-111.
51. Kilmartin TE, Potter MJ, Prior TD
Fellowships in podiatric surgery and podiatric medicine: The new system
Podiatry Now. 2004. 7:17-19
52. Boon G, Prior TD, Kilmartin TE
Osteochondroma – A review of the literature and two case study presentations.
Br J. Podiatry 2004; 7: 32-35
53. MacFarlane AJH, Kilmartin TE
Conservative treatment of juvenile hallux valgus – A seven year prospective study
Br. J. Podiatry 2004; 7:101-105
54. Kilmartin TE
Critical Review: The surgical management of Hallux valgus
B.J Podiatry 2006. 9 (1):4-25
55. Kilmartin TE
Objective Assessment of Professional Skills Test: The passport to surgical training.
Podiatry Now 2006 9(5) 16-17
56. Money WL. Kilmartin TE
A complication of internal fixation – a case report
Br. J. Podiatry 2007 10 (1) 4-7
57. O’Kane C, Kilmartin TE.
Orthopaedic surgery and podiatric surgery: Will you get the same operation?
Podiatry Now 2007 10 (8) 24-26
58. Hewitt SM. Kilmartin TE. O’Kane C
A retrospective audit of the role of sonographical interpretation and localisation of intermetatarsal neuroma in the surgical management of Morton’s neuroma
Br J. Podiatry 2007 10 (3):99-103

60. Kilmartin TE, O’Kane C

Correction of valgus second toe by closing wedge osteotomy of the proximal phalanx
Foot & Ankle Int. 2007  28 (12) 1260-1264

61. Isaac A. Gwilym SE. Reilly IN. Kilmartin TE. Ribbans WJ

Interprofessional relationships between Orthopaedic and Podiatric Surgeons in the UK. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2008. 90:8, 663-670

62. Kilmartin TE. O’Kane C.

Fusion of the second metatarsocuneiform joint for the treatment of painful osteoarthrosis. Foot Ankle Int. 2008. 29 (11) 1079-1087

63. Larholt J. Kilmartin TE

Rotational scarf and Akin osteotomy for correction of hallux valgus associated with metatarsus adductus. Foot Ankle Int. 2010. 31;3: 220-228

64. Kilmartin TE O’Kane C

Combined  rotation scarf Akin osteotomies for hallux valgus; a patient focussed 9 year follow up of 50 patients
J. Foot Ankle Research 2010, 3:2.

65. Maher AJ. Kilmartin TE

Scarf osteotomy for correction of Tailor’s bunion: Mid to long term follow up with a rotation scarf osteotomy.
Foot Ankle Int.  2010. 31;8:676-682

66. Maher AJ. Kilmartin TE

Patient reported outcomes: a new direction for Podiatric Surgery
Podiatry Now 2010; 13(10) 36-38

67. Milnes H. Kilmartin TE. Dunlop G.

A pilot study to explore if the age that women undergo hallux valgus surgery influences the post operative range of motion and level of satisfaction.
The Foot 2010; 20: 109-113

68. Maher AJ, Kilmartin TE

Patient reported outcomes following combined rotation scarf and Akin’s osteotomies in 71 consecutive cases.
The Foot 2011;21:37-44

69. Kannegieter E. Kilmartin TE

The combined reverse scarf and opening wedge osteotomy of the proximal phalanx for the treatment of iatrogenic hallux varus
The Foot. 2011. 21:88-91

70. Coutts A. Kilmartin TE The long term patient focused outcomes of the Keller’s arthroplasty for the treatment of hallux rigidus.
The Foot.  2012. 22:167-171